Speak Up For Wild Horses & Burros

Be a voice for America’s treasured wild horse and burro herds before it’s too late. Massive roundups are scheduled throughout 2025 with government holding pens already overcrowded as humane, on-the-range management strategies remain underdeveloped.

Over 66,000 wild horses and burros are warehoused in government holding facilities. Due to brutal and unnecessary roundups, all of them have endured a loss of their freedom, broken family bonds, and some even lost their lives.

Once again wild horses and burros urgently need your help.

On January 7-8 2025, the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM’s) Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board will meet to discuss issues related to federally managed wild horses and burros. The board will hear presentations by the BLM, U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and the public before making its recommendations to the BLM and USFS.

It’s critical to speak up now for wild horses and burros! Strongly urge the Advisory Board to include the following in their recommendations:

  • Stop the ongoing cruel and brutal cycle of roundups;
  • Prioritize safe, proven and humane fertility control and habitat conservation;
  • Evaluate non-lethal solutions to reduce numbers in captivity;
  • End cash incentives as part of the “adoption incentive program” (AIP);
  • Request an independent investigation of the BLM’s Adoption & Sale Program;
  • Implement transparency measures for roundups (such as helicopter cameras).


Click here for more information from the American Wild Horse Coalition (AWHC) on how to speak up for the wild horses and burros.
