About / Our Mission

Colorado shelter
In Colorado, Front Range Equine Rescue keeps horses at a private farm.

Front Range Equine Rescue (FRER) is a 501c3 non-profit organization working to prevent the abuse and neglect of horses through rescue and education.

Background: Front Range Equine Rescue was incorporated as a Colorado non-profit on 8/1/97. Front Range Equine Rescue began as an all volunteer organization with Board members providing the initial foster homes. A small self-care facility soon housed several of the incoming rescue horses as well.

Since beginning in 1997, Front Range Equine Rescue (FRER) has been able to increase its capacity thanks to tremendous donor support. In 2006, FRER purchased a property in Larkspur. And as a result of a major gift campaign during 2007-2009, further expansion occurred with the purchase of additional acreage also in Larkspur. Rescue horses were also kept at 2-3 other private facilities in Colorado to help meet rescue program needs for rehabilitation, training, adoption and other services.

During 2015, FRER sold its facilities in Colorado in order to transition its main administrative function along with a small group of retired rescue horses. This East Coast location in Ocala, FL offered rescue, rehab and retirement for additional horses in need.

Meanwhile, services continued in Colorado under the day-to-day monitoring of 2-3 Board of Directors. Front Range continued to work with a northern Colorado rescue organization to save more at-risk horses from the slaughter pipeline. These horses stay at a private farm under the supervision of Shiloh Acres Horse Rescue.

Events, education, special programs, and advocacy continue in Colorado under the direction of Board members and FRER’s President who is in charge of the East Coast location. There are no changes to Front Range Equine Rescue’s mission, goals, programs, activities, or national campaigns to responsibly end horse slaughter and “Save the Wild Horses.” Front Range continues to use a mail processing and fulfillment company in Pueblo, CO to process replies to mailers which donors receive throughout the year.

For many years, Front Range Equine Rescue has partnered with other reputable rescues in CO and FL to save horses in need that neither group could do on its own.