Justin was rescued in September 2020 when a FL anti slaughter organization was working to help find him safe placement. He had been neglected by his owner for many months and left in a pasture with NO shelter from brutal summer heat or other weather. Fortunately a neighbor had intervened over a period of time and was able to have the owner sign over this horse and others to try getting them help. The neighbor was also able to have a vet treat Justin for eye irritations from flies laying larvae in/around his eyes.
Justin arrived with multiple issues including skin irritations all over his body from insects biting him for months in the hot/humid summer, signs of malnourishment, various degrees of arthritis due to past use as a show jumper, broken cartilage in left ear, and horrendous dental issues due to advanced EORTH (also known as hypercementosis). This disease was preventing him from being able to properly eat at all and other neglected teeth would have been causing mouth ulcers, cuts to the inside of cheeks and tongue along with misalignments of jaw and supporting structures. His lower jaw could only move to the left side.
At one time this horse was a high level competition jumper.
More About Justin
- Success Story
- Bay
- Gelding
- 1995
- Warmblood
- Florida