

Harrison was rescued during July 2024 after being purchased via a horse dealer/kill buyer. Allegedly he was to have a private owner, but he was severely injured at the lot. After months of not healing, he was shown to our contact while other horses were being rescued, and we added Harrison to the group to save him from ending up on a slaughter truck.

Harrison was very lame and treated with pain medication until he underwent an initial full veterinary exam which revealed some of the following:

“Left hind 4/5 toe-touching lameness. Small scabbed but thickened chronic wound medial stifle. Lateral collateral ligament of left hind stifle palpably warm, thickened, and palpably painful with avoidance behavior… Harrison rests left hind forward and places passive weight on toe… may have further damage to the stifle aside from the lateral collateral ligament due to the degree of lameness and unwillingness to place foot underneath himself in stance and weight bearing on the tibial head.”

Harrison was humanely euthanized after further evaluation which determined a poor quality of life prognosis and no options for pain management due to significance of past injuries.

More About Harrison

  • Retired
  • Red Roan
  • Gelding
  • 2006
  • QH Cross
  • Colorado

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