Amelia was rescued in July 2024 after being purchased by a kill buyer, likely after she was sent to a low end auction.
She was in poor condition, being rated with a body score of 2.5 out of 10, and very lame. Her initial veterinary exam indicated some of the following:
“BCS 2.5 emaciated with bilateral muscle wasting and prominent spine, ribs and hips. Left forefoot severely clubbed with an upright fetlock joint and poor ROM (range of motion) upon passive flexion. Flexion of the fetlock joint is moderately painful and ‘resented’ by Amelia).
Fetlock joint is moderately effusive and the joint capsule is palpably thickened. Dorsomedial firm swelling distal to carpus on left front leg. Carpal flexion ROM is poor. Old wound over extensor carpi radialis mm. of same leg, with poor muscle tone and size, suggesting an old injury with muscle damage.
Radiographs of left fore fetlock show soft tissue effusion around fetlock joint with mild arthritic changes to dorsal aspect of flexor surface. A view of left fore carpus reveals proliferative ‘moth-eaten’ bony formation of proximal aspect of dorsomedial metacarpus that communicates with the distal carpal joint. The carpus has OA (osteoarthritic) changes throughout,”
Due to the extent of lameness from past injuries and no pain management protocol which could alleviate the level of pain Amelia suffered from, she was humanely euthanized.
More About Amelia
- Retired
- Dark Bay
- Mare
- 2005
- Thoroughbred
- Colorado