2015 Horse Slaughter Updates

At the federal level, the defunding of USDA inspectors for horsemeat continued in 2015.

durango.earlyjun.07In April 2015, Congress introduced the Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act (H.R.1942/S. 1214) to prohibit the slaughter of horses for human consumption in the United States and ban their export abroad for that purpose.

The measure also addresses the health hazards that could arise for consumers, given the drugs and medicines horses are routinely administered.

Everyone is strongly encouraged to bring this critical legislation to your elected officials attention. Contact Senators at www.senate.gov; House members at www.house.gov.

Front Range Equine Rescue’s 2012-2013 lawsuits at the state level remain outstanding due to no final judgements on the various cases to stop U.S. slaughter plants from opening.

Rulings which were handed down included a judge granting our motion to intervene in a state court case brought by the New Mexico AG’s office.

This case helped stop Valley Meat from slaughtering horses.
