Wild Horses’ Lives Are in the Hands of Congress

Help us keep wild horses and burros protected as Congress reviews the budget for the fiscal year 2019!

Establishing Language that Protects America’s Wild Horses and Burros

The U.S. House Appropriations Committee is considering the Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) budget bill for the Interior Department. This bill includes funding for the BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Program.

A current draft of the bill protects wild horses and burros from mass killing and slaughter. However, it is expected that Rep. Chris Stewart of Utah will introduce an amendment to remove these protections.

If the House fails to keep protective language within the FY19 Interior Department budget bill, it will be critical that the Senate version provides these protections. And, that the Senate version prevails during a reconciliation of differences between the two bills.

Contact your U.S. House Rep and two Senators through the Capitol operator at 202-224-3121 to keep language which protects America’s wild horses and burros in the Fiscal Year 2019 budget bill.

There is no need for unnecessary roundups to stockpile more horses in holding facilities or seek out untested, dangerous, and even deadly “sterilization” techniques.

The BLM has humane options available, which include:

  • managing horses on the rangelands allocated to them by law.
  • keeping populations in check through the use of PZP (a proven birth control method).
  • improving adoption rates.
  • developing eco-sanctuaries.
  • forming public-private partnerships to monitor the herds.
