At this time, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has three roundups of wild horses and burros occurring at the same time across taxpayer public lands out West.
Never have this many roundups happened at the same time. Just like other brutal captures, these roundups have resulted in the deaths of dozens of wild horses and burros.
Right now, the U.S. Congress has before it three major pieces of legislation which would ensure more protections for America’s wild horses and burros.
First is the annual budget bill, in which more funding for humane and proven safe fertility control could be provided while also diverting funds away from brutal helicopter roundups.
Next is the Wild Horse and Burro Protection Act (H.R. 6635) to ban the use of helicopters for wild horse and burro management.
And third is the SAFE Act (H.R. 3355; S. 2732) to ban horse slaughter, especially the export of America’s horses out of the country for slaughter.
These pieces of legislation would go a long way to make changes to the BLM’s inhumane “management” practices and increase protections for America’s beloved wild horses and burros.
Congress needs to hear from voters that it is critical to pass pro-horse and burro legislation. Contact your two U.S. Senators via and your U.S. House Rep through