Joni was rescued in October 2024 to prevent her from entering the slaughter pipeline. She was severely lame in front, which appeared to be due to significant founder.
Veterinary exam showed Joni was 4/5 lame on both front feet and barely capable of walking from her pen to an assessment area (approx. 100 yards). We had given her a high dose of Bute the night before to try providing some comfort, but she was clearly severely painful in her front hooves.
Joni’s bilateral digital pulses were abnormally strong/pounding; the left hind hock had sustained an old injury with a massive scar to the dorsolateral aspect of the joints.
It was clear upon other examination that Joni had been suffering extensively for some time and she was humanely euthanized. Post mortem Xrays showed a 22.5 (!) degree rotation of the coffin bone in the left front and fracture of the pedal bone distal tip as a result of chronic laminitis, rotation and weight bearing on the bony column directly through the sole/frog.
It is beyond inhumane how this mare ended up and had been kept so that euthanasia was the last act of kindness she could have been given.
More About Joni
- In Assessment
- Bay
- Mare
- 2009
- QH Cross
- Colorado