

Isobel was rescued near the end of March 2024 after being sent to an auction where a kill buyer purchased her. It was clear that Isobel suffered from lameness, most notably in the hind legs.

Veterinary exam noted that her back was “long”, her hind fetlocks were “dropped” indicating she suffered from a degenerative disease of the suspensory ligaments (DSLD, degenerative suspensory ligament disease). She also had capped hocks, a form of bursitis.

She displayed immediate and severe aggression by kicking out with both hind legs when her hind end was gently approached in order to further examine her. She did this multiple times, especially when any careful approach was made to gently stroke toward the hock or lower leg. It was not possible even with sedation to examine her; Isobel continued to kick out quickly.

How sad that this horse was in such pain or had endured such mishandling or perhaps was not handled at all; however, it seems most likely a combination of gross mistreatment and significant pain. Her left hock was swollen, with a fresh wound.

UPDATE: Once it was determined that Isobel’s medical condition could not be managed for a humane quality of life, she was humanely put down.

More About Isobel

  • Retired
  • Bay
  • Mare
  • 2000
  • Paso Fino
  • Colorado

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